Our Team

Luigi Benetton

English Technical Writer and French/Italian/Spanish-to-English Translator

Avenet, Grégory

Bélanger, Marie-Josée

Benetton, Luigi

Boucher, Maxime

Brisebois, Yannick

Demers, Frédéric

Dufresne, Denis

Gagnon, Élise

Hagen, David

Hamilton, Grant

Harvey, Maryse

Hewitt, Rachel

Howe, Ken

Johnson, Susan

Knoderer, Matthew

Kutniowski, Violet

Lamoureux, Justine

Lebel, Benoit

Major, Luke

Pierce, Rachel

Plovnick, Julie

Puchner, Sarah

Seykora, Lianne

Shepherd, Theresa

Sheppard, Lisa

Tam, Jessica

Tremblay, Karina

Villeneuve, Christine

« Writers need to connect with readers, and I like helping writers make that connection

Luigi boasts a special talent for explaining complex technical matters in easy-to-follow English. He also has a polyglot’s love of language, which led him to learn French and Spanish through extended stays in Quebec and Ecuador, in addition to his native English and Italian. He has a university degree in translation too. What a great skill set for today’s business environment!
Toronto based but truly a citizen of the world, Luigi joined Anglocom’s crack team of English-language professionals in August 2020. We hope you get an opportunity to discover his talent soon.