Our Team

Benoit Lebel

Accounting Technician

Avenet, Grégory

Bélanger, Marie-Josée

Benetton, Luigi

Boucher, Maxime

Brisebois, Yannick

Demers, Frédéric

Dufresne, Denis

Gagnon, Élise

Hagen, David

Hamilton, Grant

Harvey, Maryse

Hewitt, Rachel

Howe, Ken

Johnson, Susan

Knoderer, Matthew

Kutniowski, Violet

Lamoureux, Justine

Lebel, Benoit

Major, Luke

Pierce, Rachel

Plovnick, Julie

Puchner, Sarah

Seykora, Lianne

Shepherd, Theresa

Sheppard, Lisa

Tam, Jessica

Tremblay, Karina

Villeneuve, Christine

« I find Anglocom to be a place that really inspires you to do your best. ”

Likable is the word that springs to mind when you meet Benoit Lebel. This quiet, meticulous man never seeks out the spotlight, but his careful attention to detail makes his work a shining example to others.

Benoit arrived at Anglocom in 2019 after completing a series of accounting and secretarial internships and postings. His timing was great, because we were looking for someone who took the same care with figures as our translators do with words.

Today Benoit sees to every detail, carefully preparing each invoice according to the work performed.