Our Team

Christine Villeneuve

Certified English-to-French Translator

Avenet, Grégory

Bélanger, Marie-Josée

Benetton, Luigi

Boucher, Maxime

Brisebois, Yannick

Demers, Frédéric

Dufresne, Denis

Gagnon, Élise

Hagen, David

Hamilton, Grant

Harvey, Maryse

Hewitt, Rachel

Howe, Ken

Johnson, Susan

Knoderer, Matthew

Kutniowski, Violet

Lamoureux, Justine

Lebel, Benoit

Major, Luke

Pierce, Rachel

Plovnick, Julie

Puchner, Sarah

Seykora, Lianne

Shepherd, Theresa

Sheppard, Lisa

Tam, Jessica

Tremblay, Karina

Villeneuve, Christine

« Translation is the art of remaining flexibly rigorous and faithfully clear. ”

Christine joined the Anglocom team in 2015, but we’d spotted her long before that. She had already been working as a freelancer for us for eight years, helping out when we needed a hand.

She discovered her passion for translation mid-career, undertaking studies in the field in her early thirties. On graduation she was snapped right up by Radio-Canada. However, family commitments intervened two years later, whisking her off to a new life in Belgium, where she still lives today.

Although an ocean away, Christine had such an ocean of talent we couldn’t resist bringing her on as a full-time staff member when the opportunity arose. She works remotely, occasionally profiting from the time difference to do rush work while our clients are still tucked in bed.