Our Team

Grant Hamilton

Certified French-to-English Translator/English Copywriter and Editor/President

Avenet, Grégory

Bélanger, Marie-Josée

Benetton, Luigi

Boucher, Maxime

Brisebois, Yannick

Demers, Frédéric

Dufresne, Denis

Gagnon, Élise

Hagen, David

Hamilton, Grant

Harvey, Maryse

Hewitt, Rachel

Howe, Ken

Johnson, Susan

Knoderer, Matthew

Kutniowski, Violet

Lamoureux, Justine

Lebel, Benoit

Major, Luke

Pierce, Rachel

Plovnick, Julie

Puchner, Sarah

Seykora, Lianne

Shepherd, Theresa

Sheppard, Lisa

Tam, Jessica

Tremblay, Karina

Villeneuve, Christine

« A great translation is like a work of art. ”

Anglocom founder Grant Hamilton didn’t just hang out his shingle—he made sure he was ready first! He began by earning a translation degree at Quebec City’s Laval University. Next he spent ten years honing his talent as an English copywriter and marketing specialist in Toronto. After that came a stint as PR manager for a computer firm. Then, with his education and experience in perfect alignment, he brought it all together at Anglocom—and hasn’t looked back since!

Now Grant’s name pops up everywhere. He is a popular workshop presenter and conference organizer, both in North America and Europe. He is a mentor and volunteer for Quebec’s Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés. He is a published author and regular contributor to publications on translation and writing. He is vice president of the Quebec wing of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. And he edits a Twitter feed followed by thousands of translators.

Today Grant continues to provide daily input and guidance to the talented stable of translators and writers at Anglocom.