Our Team
Maryse Harvey
Certified English-to-French Translator

« I was struck by the sense of cohesiveness and teamwork that I encountered at Anglocom. It’s a truly collaborative work environment. ”
What makes for a great translator other than raw linguistic talent? Loving the job! And we could tell from the moment Maryse walked in the door as an intern in summer 2013 that she loved everything about translation.
Maryse first earned a degree in the subject back in 1996, at the University of Montreal. For more than 11 years after that, she worked at jobs that called not only on her language skills but also her managerial talents. Translation was a part of her worklife, but not enough to her liking, so she went back to school to do a master’s at Laval University.
Today Anglocom is reaping the benefits of her devotion to the profession. Maryse impressed us so much during her internship that we invited her to become a permanent member of our French language team in fall 2013!