Our Team
Julie Plovnick
Certified French-to-English Translator/English Copywriter and Editor

« I thrive on the ‘game’ of translation, juggling terms and expressions, treading the tightrope of meaning, unraveling the threads of one language and reweaving them in another. ”
Although Julie is well into her second decade as an Anglocom translator and reviser, we still remember a comment from her job interview (one she claims not to recollect). “I see from your website that you use the Oxford comma,” she said. “Yes,” we answered. “That’s good,” she said, “I don’t think I could work for someone who didn’t.”
Goodness gracious! Here was a woman who pondered and fretted over and knew all about the same arcane points of language as us! We were going to get along just fine.
Since that day, we’ve noticed a lot more about Julie. Besides her utter mastery of the finer points of grammar and punctuation, she is consistent to a fault, eagled-eyed in her proofreading, a stylish and idiomatic writer, and blindingly fast. She has also mentored translator after translator in the intervening years, sharing her keen professional judgment and total command of French. If you want someone really smart working on your next job, Julie makes a very fine choice indeed!