Our Team
Ken Howe
French-to-English Translator

« A smart turn of phrase is music to my ears. ”
What’s the best way to describe Ken? An award-winning poet? An ex-principal horn with the Regina Symphony Orchestra? A once-to-be-Jesuit turned family man? Or should we just let his self-effacing smile tell the story?
Ken was completing a course in copyediting at Ryerson in Toronto when he learned we were looking for a wordsmith. So he hopped on a train, came for a chat, and showed us he was serious when he said he could wield a dictionary. Both an accomplished writer and seven-time poetry award winner, Ken had studied at the University of Alberta not only in literary translation, but also music and philosophy.
Today Ken puts it all together at Anglocom, where he is an in-house translator, copyeditor, and writer. He brings to every text that special blend of skills found only in the repertoire of a thinking man.