Our Team
Jessica Tam
Project Manager

« I feel privileged to work in a place where I have the opportunity to learn something new every day, in large part due to the great work of my colleagues. ”
Years ago, it was a big deal for us when we hired our first client service coordinator. We were turning into something big! Then we grew some more and needed another. And another. But the jobs continued to flow in, particularly from outside Quebec, so it was time to hire someone with special responsibility for our anglophone clientele.
Who better than Jessica! With her French-Irish mother and Chinese father, and with her family from out-of-province, she’s not only fluent in English and French, but also speaks some Cantonese. Better yet, she’s smart as a tack and seems to have a smile glued permanently to her face.
We loved Jessica’s work background in the restaurant business. We were also impressed with her stints as concierge at the Fairmont Manoir Richelieu, chief banquet and convention stewardess at the Banff Springs Hotel, and client service representative at two different insurance companies. She offers the perfect combination of skills and friendly helpfulness to serve Anglocom’s important clientele. Give her a call and have a chat—in English or French, or to say hello in Cantonese!

Découvrez chaque jour deux conseils en traduction
Un mot sur nous
Anglocom n’a pas une, mais DEUX missions : pourvoir le marché québécois de textes écrits dans un français parfait et fournir au marché nord-américain des textes anglais qui coulent de source. En savoir plus >
Nous joindre
Adresse 300, rue Saint-Paul bureau 210 Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 7R1 Téléphone À Montréal : 514 780-1707 À Québec : 418 529-6928 Sans frais : 1 866 529-6928 International : 1 418 529-6928
Textes pour livres
Les trucs d’anglais qu’on a oublié de vous enseigner 65 billets humoristiques sur les embûches et mystères de l’anglais parlé et écrit, par Grant Hamilton. En savoir plus > Tweets et gazouillis pour des traductions qui chantent Grant Hamilton et François Lavallée révisent régulièrement des traducteurs au quotidien, le premier au cabinet de traduction Anglocom (vers l’anglais) et le second chez Edgar (vers le français). En savoir plus >