Our Team
Grant Hamilton
Certified French-to-English Translator/English Copywriter and Editor/President

« A great translation is like a work of art. ”
Anglocom founder Grant Hamilton didn’t just hang out his shingle—he made sure he was ready first! He began by earning a translation degree at Quebec City’s Laval University. Next he spent ten years honing his talent as an English copywriter and marketing specialist in Toronto. After that came a stint as PR manager for a computer firm. Then, with his education and experience in perfect alignment, he brought it all together at Anglocom—and hasn’t looked back since!
Now Grant’s name pops up everywhere. He is a popular workshop presenter and conference organizer, both in North America and Europe. He is a mentor and volunteer for Quebec’s Ordre des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés. He is a published author and regular contributor to publications on translation and writing. He is vice president of the Quebec wing of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. And he edits a Twitter feed followed by thousands of translators.
Today Grant continues to provide daily input and guidance to the talented stable of translators and writers at Anglocom.