Our Team
Frédéric Demers
Certified English-to-French Translator/Editor

« How ennobling the wordsmith’s craft can feel when artfully harnessed to do the client’s bidding! ”
We got to know Frédéric bit by bit. First he followed our Twitter feed, sometimes joining in on the conversation. Then he came to the Translate in Quebec City training conference, a sign he cared as much about quality as we did. And when a position opened up for a senior translator, he applied—and blew us away with his ready fluency in English and stunning mastery of French.
Frédéric came to translation in a roundabout way, first completing a doctorate in history, then teaching the subject at Laurentian University in Sudbury, Ontario. Today his academic and writing background serve him magnificently on our French language team, to which he adds depth and poise.